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Our COVID-19 Approach

EDITED 3/25/2020

Things have been changing rapidly, so we at Cech want to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

Cech Corporation's Plan

We are taking these events very seriously to ensure the safety of both our employees and customers. We have decided upon the following procedures as the best course of action at this time.

Of course this is subject to change as we adapt to the situation, thanks for your patience!

  • Cech Corporation is staying open for essential businesses and operations,

  • But we are reducing our hours per the Governor's orders

  • We are following all recommended medical guidance and sanitation practices

  • Minimizing internal/external interaction, with no gatherings

  • Frequently washing our hands and maintaining cleanliness.


What Steps Have You Taken?

These events have been difficult for everyone globally. We believe in communication, and would love to hear how you're managing so we can work together.

So we'd greatly appreciate any information you'd be willing to provide, for example:

  • What level are you operating at?

  • Will outside service persons be allowed inside? If so, are there any new restrictions? If not, where not?

  • Are there any new requirements or security steps to gain entry?

  • If open, how should we protect ourselves and you before entering your facility?

  • What essential activities (besides troubleshoots) might be needed during the Governor's 'stay at home' order?

  • If disrupted, how long do you think it will take to 'ramp up' again?

For your convenience, answer these questions (and any additional notes) here.

Again we're striving to alleviate the burden on everyone and believe communication is the first big step. Kindly take our quick survey and we hope you're back to normal soon.

Thanks for your time, stay HEALTHY and SAFE!

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